Haiku have an internal structure that dates to medieval Japan. They require a discipline and economy of language. It’s meditative to think so precisely about each syllable. This deck presents the 49 haiku from the 49 Professions of Joy as contemplative reminders of the deeper truths interwoven into our daily reality.
Gorgeous colors meet contemplative haiku
Each card represents the intersection of two chakras, focusing on their individual qualities and the symbols they inspire.
Discover new interactions with other chakral decks
Used in isolation, the Perceptions deck offers deep contemplation. And used with other chakral decks, creates unique intersections of joy and reflection.
Enjoy the 49 Perecptions deck, part of the 49 Professions of Joy, an integrated chakral system and immersive class with an accompanying book. The psychology of color, along with the accompanying mandalas, gives abstract context to the words of the poems. This allows the reader to interpret their reminders without the influence of seeing Jack’s comments or the images that inspired them. However, with the book on hand, the reader has a choice of comparing their own observations with that of the author.